Making Healthier Substitutions

Posted by on Sunday, January 11th, 2009

I don’t always make healthy cooking or eating choices. But when I think back about how I USED to cook and eat, I know I’ve made some giant strides in a positive direction. I do cook a lot. But the continual cooking and baking that takes place around here is not only rooted in my enjoyment of cooking, and the family’s enjoyment of eating. I cook a lot from scratch because I have to.

I’ve had more health issues in my lifetime than I would certainly ever choose. I continue to search for answers and healing. I have learned what types of foods aggravate my conditions, and what foods make me feel better. I wish to use this web-site to share helpful cooking tips for better living.

Today I want to share what I have learned about MSG. I avoid MSG at all costs. Many people ask me, “What’s MSG?” MSG stands for Mono Sodium Glutamate. The FDA considers MSG a food additive, but it is really a toxin. Most fast food is full of MSG. McDonalds should be called Mc MSG. Many of the processed foods we buy at the grocery also contain this toxin. The FDA allows food manufacturers to sneak this substance into the food and disguise MSG as “spice” on the food label.

One way I avoid MSG is by making my own chicken or beef broth to substitute for canned broth in my recipes. Our local Kroger has a small but adequate health food section. I discovered NOT CHICK’N and NOT BEEF bouillon cubes when looking for MSG free chicken bullion. These cubes are free of wheat, MSG, trans fat, and they contain NO meat products!


To make 16oz of beef or chicken broth I simply boil 2 cups of hot water in a small pot, then add 1 NOT BEEF or NOT CHICK’N cube. If I am making a soup or stew, I will add the cubes to the soup mix along with the water. The taste is amazing, and nobody will ever know these products are vegetarian.

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No Responses to “Making Healthier Substitutions”

  1. Tracyon 11 Jan 2009 at 9:57 pm 1

    I saw this ingredient in something you made recently and I was curious what it was. THANK YOU for the heads up! I will go look for it this week! I agree, MSG is scary stuff.

  2. Taraon 12 Jan 2009 at 8:39 am 2

    Thanks for visiting Tracy! I hope you can find this product in your area. You’re mid-west aren’t you? Hope your family is doing well!

  3. Kellyon 12 Jan 2009 at 9:19 pm 3

    Thanks for being a great teacher. I am learning so much from this site.