Would You Like Some Fungicide With That OJ?

Posted by on Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

As if we don’t have enough to worry about what we are putting in and on our bodies, we now hear that some imported OJ concentrates are being rejected at ports after Coca Cola alerted the FDA that the company found that some imported OJ concentrates it tested contained a fungicide that was banned here in the US nearly 5 years ago.  Although the chemical was banned for use in the US, Canada and Brazil continue to spray their orange crops with the fungicide.  When the oranges get mechanically squeezed, the chemical can be forced into the juice.

The U.S. Juice Products Association and Brazil’s CitrusBR urged the FDA to raise the amount of the fungicide, carbendazim, it will allow into the country by raising the legal limit for frozen concentrated juice.  Now that’s a comforting thought.  If the USJPA and BCBR can twist the FDA’s arm to get the limit raised, THEN we will all feel so much safer drinking tainted OJ.

How about avoiding OJ concentrates and OJ that was imported?  I’ve been purchasing Florida Not From Concentrate juice for a long time and will continue to do so.  Not only does it support farmers here in the US, the oranges were grown without fungicide.  Another option is to buy organic not from concentrate OJ or squeeze your own fresh OJ from organically grown oranges. Or maybe we should give up OJ all together and just eat a fresh orange for breakfast?

Filed in Miscellaneous | 6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Would You Like Some Fungicide With That OJ?”

  1. Christinaon 31 Jan 2012 at 3:43 pm 1

    This is why I’m very careful about what I buy – I always look to see where it’s been grown.

    Now… just to REALLY freak you out… remember the big kerfuffle decades ago about DDT? “Silent Spring” and all that? So powerful that it worked its way up the food chain and birds’ eggs were so brittle that none of their babies survived? The science was so incontrovertible that it was banned from use in the USA.

    But just use. Dow Chemicals (“Better living through chemistry!”) is still allowed to make it, and they do so, with great vigor, and export it to countries all over the world, including MEXICO, where half the produce in this country comes from.

    This is the stuff nightmares are made of, in my universe.

    Happy trails…


  2. Taraon 31 Jan 2012 at 4:31 pm 2

    I wish I could grow all our food and be self sufficient. But it seems like a full time job keeping up with all the data about how bad or food supply has become.

  3. Debbieon 01 Feb 2012 at 6:57 am 3

    My family is 3 generations of Florida Orange growers, and the insanity of the indurstry is really unbelievable. The consumer demand for Mexico/Brazil imports over home-grown based solely on cost is rediculous. The Florida Orange Growers have a really hard time competing, and many are going out of business. Please support US farmers… and buy Florida Natural OJ … that’s who processes my family’s oranges : )

  4. Taraon 01 Feb 2012 at 8:32 am 4

    Debbie I am more than happy to support our Florida farmers. I always look for FL citrus and buy it. It tastes better than CA produce, I guess because FL is closer to TN and it can be picked riper? But I despise the fact that the USA, the greatest country in the world, can no longer produce its own food and we have to rely on other countries for our own existence. I know we have to think globally, but I don’t think it is wise to be so dependent on other nations for basic necessities like food and energy.

  5. Debbieon 01 Feb 2012 at 8:55 am 5

    And sadly, I don’t think that it’s a matter of CAN’T as much as WON’T. We CAN produce our own food, we CAN supply our own energy needs, we CAN …

    Why do we (as a nation, as coorportations, as individuals) seem to think small, short-term, and with such greed? We seem to want everything quick, cheep, and now, without consideratin to the long-term, bigger picture. Will this product/course of action/thinking, hurt my body, our country, generations to come …. ???

  6. Taraon 01 Feb 2012 at 12:57 pm 6

    I agree Debbie. Quick and cheep does not always mean better. I would love to see America get back to supporting products made or grown right here. And I will continue to buy my Florida OJ. Got a gallon this morning :)